Wood Science


Study Wood Science for Free on Coursera 

I’m going to put it out there now and say the world needs more people who understand wood. There. I said it.

So I got completely over excited when I found this Wood Science course offered by West Virginia University’s Davis College Division of Forestry & Natural Resources on Coursera. In my humble opinion, this is exactly what the internet was invented for. Education. Open to anyone, anywhere, at anytime (or nearly)… true to the spirit of ‘automated information-sharing’.

Coursera is a web platform with hundreds, if not thousands, of online courses, many free. It may not be the only platform like this but it’s the one I found first and have a growing addiction to. I came across it when I was researching UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDG’s) 13 & 15 in which I have a particular preoccupation (more about that another time).

So here’s my challenge to you; learn something new. Something. Anything. And if at all possible, learn Wood Science. It’s not rocket science but it might change something about the way you understand wood and trees…




“Details, when they are successful, are not mere decoration. They do not distract or entertain. They lead to an understanding of the whole of which they are an inherent part.”
by Peter Zumthor